If you already have an account

Please, fill in your username (email) and your password, and click on "login" to ...log in


Have you forgotten your password?

Fill in the following field with the email that you used to register and click "remind password". A message will be sent with instructions to recover your password.


New user registration

Please fill in the following fields with your personal details. Fields marked with an (*) are required to register.

Your email will be your username to our site. Please use a valid email address in order to receive an activation message.

last Name:
first name:
other contact number:
Area code:
retype password:
Do you want to receive newsletters from Megaron?
Within the context of the New General European Data Protection Regulations (EU) 2016/679, which will enter into force on 25.05.2018, we hereby inform you that the ATHENS CONCERT HALL ORGANISATION (OMMA) holds as personal data the following, required for buying your tickets:

Name, e-mail address, home address and telephone number.

OMMA confirms that the above information will remain confidential, will never be shared with third parties, is only used for communication reasons and for the purchase of your tickets, after your request.

In order to complete your registration it is required that you accept the above